Thursday, April 16, 2015

How to fry TAS5631B. Guaranteed.

The happiness couldn't last forever and I found a pretty much stable way to make a toast out of TAS5631B,
Here is my simple recipe:

  • Connect VDD (+12) to the board
  • Short any single speaker output to the GND
  • Connect PVDD (+50)
  • Voila, /SD and READY outputs are always low and can't be cleared via /RESET or power cycle.
  • Cry and order a new chip

Datasheet says "The TAS5631B does not require a power-up sequence." and "it is recommended to hold RESET in a low state while powering up the device". Not sure holding down RESET can prevent mosfets from a premature death.

How could I find it out?

Well, that was my bad. I connected the power supply with 3-wire power cable. For some (probably good) reason power supply has the Earth electrically connected with the output GND.
As you may know, most scopes have the negative probe connected to Earth.

I fried two of my boards while I figured out why my scope doesn't show any signal...

I'm wondering now if there any way to test for a grounded output before applying PVDD.